sobre mí

A little about me

I am Adriana and I am grateful to be able to help and accompany people in difficult times in their lives.

I am a Burnout Counselor, Psychology Counselor for individuals, couples and relationships; as well as a facilitator for children and adolescents with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder).

Through my professional and private life I have developed a great understanding of the dynamics of the various relationships that are part of our lives (work, family, intimate, etc.); as well as within the areas of integration, education (in the family and at school) and student life at all levels.

One of my greatest interests and passions is how to improve education, mainly in the emotional context, and thus be able to help our emotional health. I had the opportunity to create the program “Freude Groß, Wut Klein!”, which means “Big Joy, Little Anger!”, for an elementary school in Bremen, Germany.

sobre mí
sobre mí

I studied Physics in Mexico City at the UNAM and in 2006 I obtained the degree of Doctor in Physical Oceanography at the Southampton Oceanography Center, in the United Kingdom. Then I worked in Germany for 8 years at a polar oceanography institute (Alfred Wegener Institute) in Bremerhaven. And two more years I worked in science, at the Center for Tropical Marine Ecology (ZMT) in Bremen, before deciding to change my career and focus on doing something Humanistic, so I did the alternative psychotherapy course in Germany and the master’s degree in “Master in Anthropologically Based Psychotherapy” at the University of Salamanca in Spain, among several other courses.

Curriculum vitae

Humanistic Education

Couples Training. The Center for Systemic Constellations.

Seminar: Sex Therapy – Methods and Tools. Lecturer: Angelika Salmen. Paracelsus die Heilpraktikerschule, Hamburg, Germany.

Certified Trainer for Children and Young Adults with AD(H)S. Lecturer: Ute Katharina Höhn. Paracelsus die Heilpraktikerschule, Frankfurt, Germany.

Heilpraktiker für Psychotherapie / Alternative Practitioner for Psychotherapy. Heart and Soul Academy, Bremen, Germany. Lecturer: Silke Zimmermann.

Training: Gesprach nach Rogers. Lecturer: Dr. Günter Haberkamp. Paracelsus die
Heilpraktikerschule, Bremen, Germany.

Professional Training: Art and Creative Therapy. Lecturer: Amina Wotsch. Paracelsus die Heilpraktikerschule, Bremen, Germany

Training: Stress and Burnout Counsellor. Lecturer: Uta Verbeek. Paracelsus die Heilpraktikerschule, Oldenburg, Germany.

Systemic Coaching and Constellations. The Whole Partnership. Training in London, UK Oldenburg, Germany.

Training in Family and Systemic Constellations. The Center for Systemic Constellations. Training in London, UK.

Nonviolent Communication. Training in Bremen. Facilitator: Michael Blech.

Lecturer: Victoria Norton. Training in Bremen.

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